How To Set Up Glo SIM For Internet Browsing + Working GLO APN

If you happen to own a Glo sim (which I believe you do since you are reading this content), being able to set up Glo sim for internet browsing is quite simple and straightforward. Here, I will be letting you in on how to make that happen.

If you may have noticed, GLO SIMS does not come pre-activated for internet browsing. This isn’t just limited to just go, the same seems to be the case for other GSM operators. MTN, Etisalat, and airtel are also not pre-activated for internet services.

However, if you own an Airtel SIM, I already outlined and explained 3 ways to activate airtel sims for internet browsing. That post pretty much explains why you’d have credit on your phone and yet, still won’t be able to browse.

Please NOTE: Sometimes not being able to browse with your sim might not be just an internet positioning issue. Wrong access point settings might also be the problem. So, it’s always advisable you check your settings before requesting a new setting unless you just bought the sim new.

How To Activate GLO sim For Internet Services

Update: Whilst NIN (National Identity Number) isn’t required for old sims to browse the internet, it’s recommended that you have your NIN linked to your Glo sim.

The easiest way to activate GLO sim for internet browsing is to contact customer care on 121. However, to request for internet settings on the Glo network, you do not necessarily need to contact customer care.

Set up glo sim for internet browsing and glo APNs

Just follow the simple step below and that should be fixed up.

To Request For Internet Settings On GLO

Simply text WAP to 927 and the settings will be sent to your phone. It doesn’t matter if the wap is in small letters or capital letters. Simply send wap to 927 and internet configuration settings should automatically be set to your phone. Be sure to save the configuration message when received.


This is really old content. Going by the date, this was first written in 2011. That was like 7 years ago. A lot has changed since then.

GSM operators operating in the country and since 2011, improved how this network operates. Same for data settings, subscriptions, and sorts.

For typically every GSM sim in Nigeria including Glo, you do not need to manually call customer care to activate the sim for browsing. The sim is often positioned for internet browsing out of the box.

All you need do is, recharge your phone, subscribe to an active plan, and make sure the phone’s settings are accurate and you should be good to go.

By default, upon putting the sim in a new phone that’s able to browse, you will automatically be sent the internet configuration settings. You should save that. If for some reason, you discarded it, the tips above are still valid. Simply send wap to 927 and another should be sent to you.

GLO Internet Access Point Name (APN)

If for some reason you are skeptical as to what GLO APN is, it’s either glosecure or gloflat. What that means is, either of the  APNs can be used. Please note that you cannot use both APNs at the same time. You’d have to use one. I recommend using gloflat.

Should you decide to use gloflat as the APN for glo, make sure the username and password are set as flat, if your phone requires that. For glosecure, you do not necessarily need to input a username or password. Simply use the APN, save and connect.

These APNs are also valid on modems. Not just glo netpro modems, but pretty much every universal modem that can allow the use of glo sim. Simply use gloflat or glosecure as APN in the configuration settings and that should work out fine.

Interested in finding out the cheapest glo data subscription plans and their subscription codes? Check them out here.

Samuel is a Tech Enthusiast who loves to explore everything that concerns Tech. Most of his explorations and guides, he shares via this platform. He studied Computer Science and prefers being simply called Sammy! 😉